It’s a month since you have passed away.
A month of tears.
Of hartack and shock.
I miss you so much and can’t see my life without you.
No more laughter.
No more smiles.
No more holding you in my arms, feeling your warmth and comfort.
My life and the life’s of all our family and friends will be empty without you.
You never realized how much you meant to all of us.
You were our treasure.
My happiness forever. That’s the way it was suppose to be.
I shall never enjoy happiness like ours again!
I walk through the living with the thoughts of being with you.
Life has no meaning anymore.
You were my meaning. Now our home has become just a house.
Cold and empty with no warmth, no life in it.
I look at the picture on the wall and the door expecting you to walk through it but you never come.
Everyone tells it will get easier but every day seems to get harder and harder.
I miss your giggle I miss your smile. I miss everything about you my love.
Why did you have to go?
Dedicated to Brenda G Gomnick
Author Herb A Krantz
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