Today they buried a great man. A man who stood above all others. He was just like Brenda in many ways. When I met Brenda and she changed my life and when she introduce me the Michael he showed me was a true man was.
Even thought his body became week his mind was strong. He never gave up and always looked at the glass half full. I became very friendly with him; he was like another brother to me. I shared things with him that I shared with no one else.
To know Michael is to love him. He had a sense of humor that was unique. He would make fun of himself and the way he did it we would all laugh. Once again the laughter has left our lives. Even in death Michael you leave a lasting memory that will make most of us smile.
You have join up with your Brender(Brenda) once more. There is another angel in heaven tonight. You and Brenda will walk together. I can hear the angels laughing. Down here my hart is broken again, I have lost another true friend. Take care of Brenda for me until I get there. I love you both.
Love you guy, rest in peace.
Michael Penn; if there were more people in the world like him, the world would be a better place.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s and Michael’s name aliveBelow are links that you can donate funds in their names.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My first Memorial Day without Brenda
This was my first Memorial Day without Brenda. It was a day of remembering the people who gave their lives for this country. I went to Washington for the weekend, to get away and remember our solders but there was another memory that was with me.
Even though I went with another person Brenda was there in my mind and my soul. Whatever I did I felt that it should have been Brenda here doing it with me. I felt the loss and the pain of her not being there. Once again I felt that guilt to be living without Brenda.
I had a great time there. I had time to clear my head and think about my future without Brenda. What will I do? Where will life take me? Part of that question was answer by a phone call, which was good news. The person that I was with was in Washington before and know where to go. For two days she walked my feet off. I felt relaxed and ready to go fourth for the first time since Brenda had passed away. Monday Memorial Day I was going to have a barbecue at my house. I was excited to make hamburgers on the grill again. Ten people were supposed to come but it dwelled in to half, just five.
It was just as well for I learned that a very dear friend of Brenda’s and then mind had died. I wasn’t much in the mood to celebrate anything at that point. I was almost envious of him because I wanted to be with Brenda. But he knew long before me and he was with her again. He was my source of information about Brenda’s past. He told me all the funny work stories. He was them only person who know that I was going to ask Brenda to marry me the day I did it. I will miss them both. Both Him and Brenda were very unique people and they will both be remembers by many. This world has lost another great person.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve
Even though I went with another person Brenda was there in my mind and my soul. Whatever I did I felt that it should have been Brenda here doing it with me. I felt the loss and the pain of her not being there. Once again I felt that guilt to be living without Brenda.
I had a great time there. I had time to clear my head and think about my future without Brenda. What will I do? Where will life take me? Part of that question was answer by a phone call, which was good news. The person that I was with was in Washington before and know where to go. For two days she walked my feet off. I felt relaxed and ready to go fourth for the first time since Brenda had passed away. Monday Memorial Day I was going to have a barbecue at my house. I was excited to make hamburgers on the grill again. Ten people were supposed to come but it dwelled in to half, just five.
It was just as well for I learned that a very dear friend of Brenda’s and then mind had died. I wasn’t much in the mood to celebrate anything at that point. I was almost envious of him because I wanted to be with Brenda. But he knew long before me and he was with her again. He was my source of information about Brenda’s past. He told me all the funny work stories. He was them only person who know that I was going to ask Brenda to marry me the day I did it. I will miss them both. Both Him and Brenda were very unique people and they will both be remembers by many. This world has lost another great person.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Second toughest week
This was the second toughest week I have faced since Brenda’s death. It was our sixth anniversary and only I was here to celebrate it. Luckily I face that day with a loved on by my side. The rest of the week was hard especially at night.
I am going away this weekend to get away from here for two days. I want to clear my head for too much is happening and in a few more weeks I will face the most difficult day since Brenda passed away, her unveiling. I can never put her death behind me but I feel I have to move on. If not know maybe never.
Brenda will be in my hart forever and no one will ever replace her. She was and always will be a very special person to everyone and me who knew her. Every night I pine for her as tears fall down my face. These tears will fall till the day I die. Our love for each other will never be duplicated. We had a true love affair. A deep love that was still growing. I have lost my hart, soul and happiness, no one will replace that.
I must face the rest of my life without Brenda all I have is her memories. That’s not enough for me, I would really like to join her but that’s not going to be. So step-by-step I take trying to start over again. Hopefully I do it right.
Even though I feel that I am getting stronger I still need the love and support of my family and friends. I love and thank you all but please don’t forget me.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive.
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve
I am going away this weekend to get away from here for two days. I want to clear my head for too much is happening and in a few more weeks I will face the most difficult day since Brenda passed away, her unveiling. I can never put her death behind me but I feel I have to move on. If not know maybe never.
Brenda will be in my hart forever and no one will ever replace her. She was and always will be a very special person to everyone and me who knew her. Every night I pine for her as tears fall down my face. These tears will fall till the day I die. Our love for each other will never be duplicated. We had a true love affair. A deep love that was still growing. I have lost my hart, soul and happiness, no one will replace that.
I must face the rest of my life without Brenda all I have is her memories. That’s not enough for me, I would really like to join her but that’s not going to be. So step-by-step I take trying to start over again. Hopefully I do it right.
Even though I feel that I am getting stronger I still need the love and support of my family and friends. I love and thank you all but please don’t forget me.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive.
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve
Brenda Gomnick,
dream come true,
soul mate,
true love
Monday, May 12, 2008
No Mother's day fo Brenda
Sunday was Mother’s day. A day where we all celebrate our mothers and all they have done for us. The unconditional love they show us. They are the best friends you have in life.
This year was not the same for my daughter, my mother and me. It was the first year without Brenda. It was a silent solemn day. Each one of us acted happy but deep inside we were all morning for her presents. Brenda always made everything more lively and fun. We all know that we have to accept that that atmosphere will never be around us again. No one will take the place of Brenda.
Mother’s day will never be the same from this year forward. A large part of our celebration has pass away. The light that use to shine has gone out. Darkness has fallen on this day and every day to come. Brenda was the star that shined for everyone.
It was my great fortune to find her and have her fall in love with me. If I live a hundred years I will never be that lucky again. Brenda you were one of a kind.
Our daughter misses you and cries for you just as I cry for you. Our tears will never stop, for when it comes to mother of the century you get the prize. All though you became a mother by marriage you fit right into the roll. No one would every believe that you never had children of you own. You wisdom and intuitiveness was right on. Happy mother’s day Brenda you are missed deeply.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother (GiGi).
You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive.
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve
This year was not the same for my daughter, my mother and me. It was the first year without Brenda. It was a silent solemn day. Each one of us acted happy but deep inside we were all morning for her presents. Brenda always made everything more lively and fun. We all know that we have to accept that that atmosphere will never be around us again. No one will take the place of Brenda.
Mother’s day will never be the same from this year forward. A large part of our celebration has pass away. The light that use to shine has gone out. Darkness has fallen on this day and every day to come. Brenda was the star that shined for everyone.
It was my great fortune to find her and have her fall in love with me. If I live a hundred years I will never be that lucky again. Brenda you were one of a kind.
Our daughter misses you and cries for you just as I cry for you. Our tears will never stop, for when it comes to mother of the century you get the prize. All though you became a mother by marriage you fit right into the roll. No one would every believe that you never had children of you own. You wisdom and intuitiveness was right on. Happy mother’s day Brenda you are missed deeply.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother (GiGi).
You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive.
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My past present and future

Edvard Munch was a German painter famous for his painting The Scream. It was of a person standing on a bridge looking at the sky. The shy was black with Streams of colors dropping from it. It looked like the stars and sky was exploding. The person standing there had both hands on each side of the face covering the ears and the mouth was open in a scream position.
I feel that my life is like that painting except behind and in front of me the ground has a creator in it. Behind me is my pass. Back there is my life with Brenda. A life that I don’t want to let go of but have no chose since she has past away. They best years of my life. I wish was on voyager (Star track) so I could go back in time. I will never be that happy again. No one will be able to take Brenda’s place. The sad part is I know that I have to move on. What’s in front of me is fear of the unknown?
My future a place I must go. I must jump over to the other side but I can’t. As I stand there with my hands on my face my pass grows further away and my future is starting to break away also. I am standing on an Island all alone. If I don’t jump over I will lose all that I love. My family and friends. Brenda once said if she died that I would stay home and never go out. I would become a lonely old man. She’ was right, I really don’t want to go out. If it wasn’t for her friends calling me and asking me to go out that’s exactly what I would be doing. Every night I would stay in and cry. I have been doing that for almost five months. It gives me a twisted comfort in a way. Maybe because I don’t wont anyone to see the real pain I am going through. I must close my eyes and jump but before I do I must visit your grave. Will I land on my feet, I hope so.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name aliveBelow are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name. Thank you
I feel that my life is like that painting except behind and in front of me the ground has a creator in it. Behind me is my pass. Back there is my life with Brenda. A life that I don’t want to let go of but have no chose since she has past away. They best years of my life. I wish was on voyager (Star track) so I could go back in time. I will never be that happy again. No one will be able to take Brenda’s place. The sad part is I know that I have to move on. What’s in front of me is fear of the unknown?
My future a place I must go. I must jump over to the other side but I can’t. As I stand there with my hands on my face my pass grows further away and my future is starting to break away also. I am standing on an Island all alone. If I don’t jump over I will lose all that I love. My family and friends. Brenda once said if she died that I would stay home and never go out. I would become a lonely old man. She’ was right, I really don’t want to go out. If it wasn’t for her friends calling me and asking me to go out that’s exactly what I would be doing. Every night I would stay in and cry. I have been doing that for almost five months. It gives me a twisted comfort in a way. Maybe because I don’t wont anyone to see the real pain I am going through. I must close my eyes and jump but before I do I must visit your grave. Will I land on my feet, I hope so.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name aliveBelow are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name. Thank you
Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Is it to Soon?

In the Jewish religion you have what’s called an unveiling within 10 months or a year. I think it’s one of the most barbaric traditions in my religion. It only opens the wound again, you relive the hurt.
Brenda will be dead 6 months on May 19. Six months and I am still trying to get my life together. I can’t find any joy in anything epically the work I was doing. Now I can’t get a job in anything else.
I am very fortunate though to have a great family and Brenda’s friends that have rallied around me. Brenda’s girlfriends make sure that I am ok. Two of them are always check on me. One of them in particular I feel we are getting real close. Weir planning a few getaways together, nothing sexual just because we both need to get away but I really feel comfortable around her. We went dancing the other night after eating out. We hold hands and she grabs me arm. It all feels great to have a woman close again, but when I leave her I feel guilty. I feel like it’s to soon but it feels right. I don’t know. All I know is that I am tired of being lonely. I miss having Brenda next to me.
In June I am having an unveiling for Brenda. Seven months after her death. I feel like I have to do it now if I am going to move on. I have to get back into the world. Start living my life without Brenda. It’s it right?
We went out again tonight Saturday 4,2004 to dinner alone. It felt so good to sit there and talk with her. I fell comfortable around her. I told her all about my pass and all bad things, she didn’t run. I respecter for that and know I feel a little closer.
But I don’t want to get anyone involved with my need for company. I like this woman to much to play her. I respect her to much to hurt her I love being around her, is it right?
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name aliveBelow are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name. Thank you
Brenda will be dead 6 months on May 19. Six months and I am still trying to get my life together. I can’t find any joy in anything epically the work I was doing. Now I can’t get a job in anything else.
I am very fortunate though to have a great family and Brenda’s friends that have rallied around me. Brenda’s girlfriends make sure that I am ok. Two of them are always check on me. One of them in particular I feel we are getting real close. Weir planning a few getaways together, nothing sexual just because we both need to get away but I really feel comfortable around her. We went dancing the other night after eating out. We hold hands and she grabs me arm. It all feels great to have a woman close again, but when I leave her I feel guilty. I feel like it’s to soon but it feels right. I don’t know. All I know is that I am tired of being lonely. I miss having Brenda next to me.
In June I am having an unveiling for Brenda. Seven months after her death. I feel like I have to do it now if I am going to move on. I have to get back into the world. Start living my life without Brenda. It’s it right?
We went out again tonight Saturday 4,2004 to dinner alone. It felt so good to sit there and talk with her. I fell comfortable around her. I told her all about my pass and all bad things, she didn’t run. I respecter for that and know I feel a little closer.
But I don’t want to get anyone involved with my need for company. I like this woman to much to play her. I respect her to much to hurt her I love being around her, is it right?
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother, a woman of great worth to all and a fantastic Grandmother. You are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Rest in peace my bright eyes.
Help me keep Brenda’s name aliveBelow are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name. Thank you
Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
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