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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Brenda's death effect everyone

I have spoken about my pain in Brenda’s death. There are many others that are going through withdrawal from Brenda’s passing.

I wonder if their pain is deeper than mine?

Her sister who has been close to her all her life. She and I talk a lot about Brenda but she holds back the tears and some times the anger she feels inside. I would like to help her but don’t know how. I can’t help myself.

Harve, my brother in-law, who does not show any emotions since her death but I know that he is hurting also. He had a special relationship with Brenda.

Her nieces who Brenda would talk with like a friend. They would tell her things they didn’t tell their mother.

My mother who looked at Brenda as a daughter. They had a real close bond. Brenda could get away with things that my sister couldn’t.

My sister who truly loved Brenda as a sister. When they got together the house would be in an uproar.

My daughter who loved Brenda like a mother. She was her best friend. Brenda taught her all about makeup and jewelry, all the girly things that her husband wanted her to do.

Our son in-law. They had a special bond also. He would call her almost every night and talk to her, especially when her favorite shows were on but she didn’t mind. Brenda was the light that shined for all of us. Now that light is no longer and I can’t carry that torch. She was a person that made everyone happy to be with. She is missing and revered by everyone. I would like to carry on her legacy but I am not even close to the person that she was. I will love you forever. You will always be in my heart and the spot where my soul was. Rest in Peace Brenda G Gominck Beloved Wife , Mother, Grand Mother (G-G), Aunt, Sister, Mother in-law, Sister In-law.

I would like to keep Brenda’s name alive so I have supplied several links below for anyone that would like to help Children in need. Please donate it in The Name Brenda G Gomnick. I have also placed two Links for stem cell research in the name of my cousin Allen Staller

Chop Hospital Phila Pa.

Stem Cell

Friday, January 25, 2008

Valentines Day

Valentines day will be here soon. It’s the day that all lovers enjoy. It’s one day a year that is dedicated to love between each other.
This year for us, Brenda and I will be no longer. It will become a day just like ever other, filled with pain and sorrow.
A broken hart will replace this year cupid’s arrow. My soul will be lost this year.
This year will be the start of many years to come of hart ack and loneliness. For my one and only true love has pass away and left me an empty body without a soul or happiness.

Many of my friends and family have told me that it will get easier, but not better in time. I cannot see me ever forgetting the love we had together. I will never love anyone the way I loved Brenda. As I said before she was my hart and soul. She came into my life and showed me how to live, love and be happy.

We had a fairytale love affair. She made me fall in love with her at a time in my life where I wasn’t looking to fall in love with anyone.
She won me, my family, my daughter over. We all fell deeply in love with her. And because of Brenda we all gained her family. Even in her death she has brought all of her friends together.

I have gained a lot being apart of her life. All I have left is her memories but that’s not enough for me. I sit up at night and look at her picture and cry, knowing that I will never hear her giggle again or hold in my arms and kiss her on the neck. I will never smell her perfume or have the excitement of buying her presents or surprising her with a diner for just us two.

My Valentines Day or any other day will never be happy.
I have supplied several links below for anyone that would like to help Children in need. Please donate it in The Name Brenda G Gomnick. I would like to keep her name alive well after I’m gone.

I have also place two Link for steam cell research in the name of my cousin Allen Staller

Chop Hospital Phila Pa.

St Jude

Michael J Fox

Christopher reeve

Thank you

Herb A Krantz

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why did you have to go?

It’s a month since you have passed away.
A month of tears.
Of hartack and shock.
I miss you so much and can’t see my life without you.

No more laughter.
No more smiles.
No more holding you in my arms, feeling your warmth and comfort.

My life and the life’s of all our family and friends will be empty without you.
You never realized how much you meant to all of us.
You were our treasure.
My happiness forever. That’s the way it was suppose to be.
I shall never enjoy happiness like ours again!

I walk through the living with the thoughts of being with you.
Life has no meaning anymore.

You were my meaning. Now our home has become just a house.
Cold and empty with no warmth, no life in it.
I look at the picture on the wall and the door expecting you to walk through it but you never come.

Everyone tells it will get easier but every day seems to get harder and harder.
I miss your giggle I miss your smile. I miss everything about you my love.

Why did you have to go?

Dedicated to Brenda G Gomnick

Author Herb A Krantz

Monday, January 7, 2008

Love -unexpected twist

To all of you who walk in my shoes.
I fell your pain. I know how it is to have your hart ripped out.

All the old saying about always kiss your lover, never go to sleep mad, kiss your lover goodbye and many others.
They are all true.

I just lost my lover and I hope I told her that I loved her before she passed away. You can never take it for granted that they will always be there. I did and my wife Brenda Gomnick pass away after coming out of a minor surgery. She was laughing while she got into the bed again. After a shot of morphine she went to sleep never to get up again. She died from two major strokes.

I love you Brenda and always will. You were and still are my one and only lover, my soul mate.

Hold your mate tight as you greet them. Tell them that you love them with all your hart and never let them go. Show them how much everyday your together. Take nothing for granted life can be cruel and short. Just as you think everything is ok it could take an unexpected twist.

I thank you for you love Brenda and will miss your worm arms around me.

Forever Yours Herb

Author Herb A Krantz

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Goodbye My Love

I have taken many bad roads in my life,
Made decision that came back and bite me in the ass.
I had a life I felt that had no meaning.
Then I met my future wife.
She came into my life when I didn’t want a relationship with a woman in any way shape or form. She was my dance partner and that’s all she would be. Little did I know she would creep inside my hart and turn my life and world around.
I tried so hard to scare her away but she stood by even when I got sick and went into the hospital three months into our relationship.

I prayed to God for women who would just love me for me. I got much more than I asked for. She was a woman that stood above all woman. She became my best friend.
Brenda would finally make me feel wanted, fell like a real man. I love her with all my hart and soul and will never love like this again. For there is only one Brenda in the world for me.
Along with her beauty, (which she never really realized), she was smart, funny and lite up the room with her charm.
Brenda was child like in a way, for you never know what she was about to say. The funniest thing is that she never knew either.
I will miss kissing her on her neck while she laying across the sofa reading or watching TV. I will miss her giggle, her laugh.
Brenda you have touched my life in a way that no one ever could.
I will mourn for you for the rest of my life. A life that will be lonely and bare without you. I will never laugh again like I laughed with you.

Goodbye my love, you were and will always be my hart and soul

Dedicated to Brenda G Gomnick (wife, grandmother and Mother)

Author Herb A Krantz

Friday, January 4, 2008

True Love

(Dedicated to my true love Brenda Gomnick, My wife)

True love is always forging
Always looking the other way and understanding.

It’s knowing when to pick your battles and when to keep your mouth shut.
True love is appreciating the person who you love for what they are.

True love is showing that person that they are love with all your hart and soul. Showing them appreciation for all they do for you.

True love is always kissing them goodbye and good night. For you never know what will happen to them while your away.

We must all never take our mates for granted.
It’s the-what if’s and the-only if I-that will kill you. The droughts in your mind that is left when a loved one dies.

Did I tell him or her that I loved them?
Did they really know how much?

My wife was a gift not just to me but to everyone around her. She had a way about her that made everyone fell good. She would make everyone laughs at her and themselves.

Brenda was a bright light in a darken room. She lite up my life and others

My wife Died way to soon. She was my true love. My one and only love. I will never find a woman like her again.

If you’re as lucky as I and you have found true love. Hold on to it and do all that you can to keep it for you never know when it will be taken away.

Hug your mate tightly and kiss with the passion of all your love let them know how much they are loved.

By Herb A Krantz