I feel my body floating, as the years grow dim. They all said that the pain would get less, so when will that be?
When will I feel like a person again?
Someone who can finally enjoy life and live it to it’s fullest.
When will I start to heal?
Every night I use to walk the halls in fear that this is not dream.
No I walk the halls knowing that it’s not.
My life will never be the same. A part of me will always be missing. My eyes will never have the gleam of happiness. I want to live again but can’t. The pain is to great. I have forgotten you voice, your smile, your laugh and the tenderness of your touch.
I want to reach out and hold you again in my arms. Hold your face in my hands and gently kiss the small of your neck.
I want to hear the laughs that we had together.
I want to be with others and not feel strange that I have no one that I love sitting with me.
You know when you left me that I would fall apart. That I would pull away and you know that it would be for a long while.
Why did you have to go?
Why did you have to die?
Why couldn’t it be me instead of you?
Why does it have to hurt so much?
For three years I have morn for you. Long to be with you.
For three years I forced myself to go and do things that I really didn’t want to.
For three years I sat and cried for you day and night.
I can’t stand the loneness anymore. I need to say good-by my love and really move on.
I will miss you forever and forever you will be my only true love.
2011 must be my year of coming out into the world again.
Good by.
This is dedicated to my one and only Soul mate
Brenda Gomnick Died 12/11/07 Rest in peace my love.
Herb A Krantz