I walk the nights from room to room. As I walk out of the room that I sleep in, (her old office), I found a card on a shelf. It read –
I love you in so many ways and for so many reasons…because you know me and understand me like no one else ever could… because you believe in my dreams and care about my feelings…because you make me laugh so hard and smile so often…because you have a way of bringing out the very best in me.
I love you
In so many ways, and for so many reason, but mostly because you’re my very best friend.
It was signed
I’ll miss you!
I love you
Love me
I don’t remember when she gave me this. Maybe she left it for me that day she went in for that minor surgery. Maybe she knew that she was going to die. She told my sister that she would see at her funeral Friday. She was buried on Friday a week later. I would of never of let her go. If only I would of listen maybe she would be alive today.
I miss you Babe, you were and will always be my soul. I will spend the rest of my life creating a fund to keep you name alive not just for the people who know you but also for everyone. You are a person that should be an example to the world.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother and fantastic Grandmother you are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive.
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve http://www.christopherreeve.org/site/c.geIMLPOpGjF/b.899265/k.CC03/Home.htm
I love you in so many ways and for so many reasons…because you know me and understand me like no one else ever could… because you believe in my dreams and care about my feelings…because you make me laugh so hard and smile so often…because you have a way of bringing out the very best in me.
I love you
In so many ways, and for so many reason, but mostly because you’re my very best friend.
It was signed
I’ll miss you!
I love you
Love me
I don’t remember when she gave me this. Maybe she left it for me that day she went in for that minor surgery. Maybe she knew that she was going to die. She told my sister that she would see at her funeral Friday. She was buried on Friday a week later. I would of never of let her go. If only I would of listen maybe she would be alive today.
I miss you Babe, you were and will always be my soul. I will spend the rest of my life creating a fund to keep you name alive not just for the people who know you but also for everyone. You are a person that should be an example to the world.
Brenda G Gomnick wife, mother and fantastic Grandmother you are greatly missed already and your memory will live on forever.
Help me keep Brenda’s name alive.
Below are links that you can donate funds in Brenda's name.
Thank you Herb A Krantz
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chop Hospital Phila Pa.
St Jude
Stem Cell Research
Michael J Fox
Christopher reeve http://www.christopherreeve.org/site/c.geIMLPOpGjF/b.899265/k.CC03/Home.htm
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